The southern end of Hollylea Road will be transformed from an old industrial hub into a modern mixed use precinct of apartment living and high tech industries.
Last night Campbelltown Council approved the rezoning application lodged by the 10 owners of the land to develop the site, which is located between the railway line near Leumeah station and Holly Lea Road.
As the location map (above) shows, the western side of that section of HollyLea Road is not part of this planning proposal, which is the area shaded in red.
The map also shows that a small section of Plough Inn Road has been included in the rezoning.
There was just one hiccup last night, with the owners asking council to consider a bigger floor ratio and taller buildings than the 43m proposed for the 10 acre site.
Councillors conceded that they weren’t opposed to what the applicant’s spokesperson had outlined when she addressed the meeting.
However, all councillors agreed that making policy on the run wasn’t appropriate.
But when it came to the actual vote all voted to support the officer’s recommendation of this large urban renewal plan.
It means the proposal is now in the hands of the state government, which has to decide whether to approve it or not.
If it does give it the thumbs up, the proposal will go on exhibition for the public to have its say.
The provision of open space and the enhancement of the Bow Bowing Creek corridor enabling and catalysing its use for active transport is one of the conditions attached to the rezoning green light from council.
A design report providing an urban renewal vision for the site, including conceptual building envelopes, a public plaza and park, and a public promenade along a widened Bow Bowing Creek corridor are part of the proposal by the owners.
Currently that part of Hollylea Road contains commercial and industrial buildings and hardstand areas occupied by a variety of industrial and commercial land uses.