More than $17 million will be spent to widen Eagle Vale Drive so it can cope with the expected increase in traffic in coming years.
“After years of inaction by former Labor governments we are making up for lost time and not just clearing the infrastructure backlog but building for the future of Campbelltown,” says the State Member for Campbelltown, Bryan Doyle.
“This is about ensuring Campbelltown has the infrastructure it needs to support future job and wealth creation and improve the quality of life for our local communities,” he said in announcing details of the road funding.
“Campbelltown Council applied for $17.5 million, over two years, to widen and upgrade Eagle Vale Drive, between Badgally Rd and Raby Roadd.
“The proposal is to widen from a two lane rural road to a four lane divided arterial road,” Mr Doyle said.
Other key elements of the project include:
• A new kerb and gutter, and central median;
• Shared pedestrian/cycle pathway connecting to regional routes;
• New roundabouts;
• Street lighting and utility relocation, and;
• New storm water drainage with water quality improvement devices.
“Council has previously widened approximately one third of the road, between Raby Road and Wynn Street,” Mr Doyle said.
“The proposal seeks to widen the remainder of the road between Wynn Street and Badgally Road as well as the provision of new traffic lights to replace roundabouts at two intersections – Eagle Vale Drive/Badgally Road and at Eagle Vale Drive/Epping Forrest Road.
“This is great news for the people of Cambelltown and further demonstrates this government’s commitment to delivering for the people in this booming region of Western Sydney,” Mr Doyle said.