A development application to rezone Macquarie Fields House for housing faces stiff opposition when it goes before Campbelltown Council.
While Mayor Paul Hawker refused to comment on the application until he sees the details, Labor and independent councillors say they will almost certainly give it the thumbs down.
Veteran Labor councillor Meg Oates Meg Oates was unequivocal about stopping the proposed carve up of one of the most historic properties in south west Sydney and NSW into almost 100 building lots.
“We are absolutey opposed to it,’’ Cr Oates told the South West Voice a few minutes ago.
“This is clearly an incursion into the Scenic Hills on the north end of Campbelltown so we’re not happy.
“This is a really historic property and homestead and it would be wrong to surround it with housing.’’
Independent Cr Darcy Lound agreed.
“I of course will also need to have a look at the DA but I’m with Labor in opposing it at this stage,’’ he said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“I have great concerns about this proposal and how it will impact on a very historic part of Campbelltown,’’ Cr Lound said.[/social_quote]

Mayor Paul Hawker said he was not aware that the DA had been lodged with council, although he confirmed that he was aware of such plans.
“I will not be commenting on it until I’ve seen the DA,’’ Cr Hawker told the Voice.
The DA has gone on public exhibition in the last couple of days and will be there until February 22, which is also when submissions about the proposal close.
The historic home and property were established around 1838-1840 and are located off Campbelltown Road at Glenfield.
Macquarie Fields House boasts state and national heritage significance as one of the finest examples of early Australian residential architecture and a landmark, carefully sited in an intact 19th century rural cultural landscape.
The sandstone house was built by Samuel Terry, while the property has considerable historical, architectural and archaeological significance as the site of the estate of three well known colonial figures.
They are James Meehan, ex-convict who became Deputy Surveyor General and surveyed much of the land south of Sydney between 1810 and 1820, Samuel Terry, ex-convict, “Botany Bay millionaire’’ for his daughter and her husband John Hosking, the first elected Mayor of Sydney.
State Member for Macquarie Fields and councillor Anoulack Chanthivong said that while the application for rezoning would be considered on its merits, “we won’t make the same mistake we made with Blair Athol House’’.
New homes allowed close to that historic homestead blocked views of Blair Atholl House about 15 years ago.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“These are issues affecting great heritage assets and I will always defend and protect our heritage values, the things that make Campbelltown special,’’ he said.[/social_quote]
“It is very important to protect the identity of our town, and that identity comes from heritage assets such as Macquarie Fields House and the Scenic Hills,’’ Mr Chanthivong said.
“Campbelltown is my home and I will always fight to defend it and the things that make it unique.’’