You’ve heard of the pub with no beer, but did you know there are hotels that don’t serve food at lunch time.
I was meeting someone for a business catch up on a recent Friday and organised to meet at the Leumeah Club Hotel for lunch.
Why Leumeah?
I always try to take my business luncheons to a different venue to give them all a bit of a go and I remembered the pub in Leumeah used to serve up some top grub.
But as I shook hands with my business companion inside the pub, we both had a feeling we would not be dining there for lunch.
There was what looked like a food counter but it was obvious no tucker would be getting served there, so we got out of there.
I also remembered having some great meals at the Club Hotel on Blaxland Road on the corner of Badgally Road, so we arranged to meet there.
But we weren’t there long, because a quick look was all we needed to know nobody was cooking up a storm in this kitchen.
You could say serves me right for not checking before going, and you’d be right.
But sometimes you just want to try somewhere new and you just go there hoping for a positive experience.
Still, we did end up having a pub lunch – at the usual place we go, Bradbury Hotel, or The Bradbury, as it calls itself currently, where we had a lovely meal as always.
They also have beer.
it’s called “The Braddo” mate.