We may still be sweltering, but in just 10 days we will all once again need to be vigilant while driving past local schools.
Parents of students in particular are being reminded to set a good example for other motorists in and around school zones as the start of the new school year approaches.
The 40km/h school zone speed limits return on Friday, January 27 and Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr George Brticevic, has reminded motorists to keep within the speed limit, obey parking restrictions and to not use hand-held mobile phones while driving past schools.
“The whole community has a responsibility to keep our children safe, and I’m calling on parents, like myself, to take the lead and ensure they’re doing the right thing in and around school zones,” he said.
“The slower your vehicle is going, the more chance you have to stop if a child runs out on to the road.
“If the worst happens and a child is hit, the severity of the injury will likely be lessened and survival rates increase, if a car is travelling at a lower speed.”
Police officers and council rangers will be conducting regular patrols around school zones to enforce the speed limit and parking regulations.
Along with 40km/h speed signs, flashing lights and speed limit markings on the road, motorists can identify a school zone by the triangular line-markings (dragon’s teeth) at the entrance to every school zone. The markings are visible on each side of the lanes for 35 metres at the start of each school zone.
Through a range of educational measures, Campbelltown Council continues to work closely with police and Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) to promote important road safety messages and help reduce the incidence and severity of crashes on our roads.
For those who do the wrong thing and get caught, here is a reminder of fines and penalties applying for School Zone Parking Offences:
• No Stopping, $433 plus two demerit points;
• No Parking, $180 plus two demerit points;
• Bus Zone, $325 plus two demerit points;
• Double Parking, $325 plus two demerit points.