Bushfire – the mere word can send shivers down the spine.
But then you think of the wonderful volunteers of the bushfire brigades across the land and you feel a little better.
Well, the bushfire season is here and along with it come the very necessary back burning operations, or hazard reduction as they are called these days.
But unless you live right next to where the hazard reduction is taking place, some residents worry that a bushfire has started somewhere nearby when in fact it could be kilometres away.
Today, Saturday, October 3, the Rural Fire Service will conduct two hazard reduction burns in the south west, one in the Wollondilly Shire and one in Campbelltown.
In Wollondilly it will be located in West Parade, Buxton.
In Campbelltown it will be along Frere’s Crossing, Kentlyn.
Frere’s Crossing Reserve will be closed to the public from today and until Monday, October 5.
For safety reasons, the burnt area of bushland will be closed off to the public until Saturday, October 17. Access to the Georges River at Frere’s Crossing, via Freres Road, will be available during the extended closure of burnt bushland (following the three-day closure).
If there is a hazard reduction burn planned for your area, authorities advise that you take the following steps:
· Keep doors and windows closed to prevent smoke entering homes
· Keep outdoor furniture under cover to prevent ember burns
· Retract pool covers to prevent ember damage
· Remove washing from clotheslines
· Ensure pets have a protected area
· Vehicles must slow down, keep windows up, turn headlights on
· Sightseers must keep away from burns for their own safety
· If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities if smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice.
For health information relating to smoke from bush fires and hazard reduction burning, visit the NSW Health website or the Asthma Foundation.
For details of hazard reduction activities, visit the Rural Fire Service website.