Harlequins: business support vital for community sport clubs

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This year has seen senior participation numbers double at the Campbelltown Harlequins rugby union club.

The increases are for both men’s and women’s, as well in junior participation levels.

The club also provides pathways for players to both Illawarra and Country juniors and seniors.

But as club president Col Packer explains, none of these things would be possible without the support of the business community for the club.

“Harlequins pride ourselves on being active members of the local community, providing sporting opportunities to both seniors and juniors,’’ Mr Packer said.

“However, it all comes at a cost. It is only with the support of companies like AV Jenning that community sporting organisations such as ours can survive and thrive.

“The Harlequins also have programs in place for disadvantaged youth,’’ Mr Packer said.

“This includes actively taking part in the organisation of Koori rugby participation in Pacifika tournaments, and providing financial assistance where needed  to those players who go on to representative honours,’’ he said.

“We also provide facilities and services to other organisations such as the Sydney Fiji junior rugby development.’’

For their part, club sponsor AVJennings say that supporting a club like the Harlequins is an easy decision to make.

“As a well-known property developer focused on enhancing life in South West Sydney, we know how important sports are for bringing communities together,’’ a company spokesperson said.

“That’s why we’re excited to partner with the Campbelltown Harlequins Rugby Club, reaffirming our commitment to the well-being and prosperity of our local community.’’

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