Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun is calling on the State Government to cut lengthy travel times for residents by putting Liverpool on the map when it overhauls Sydney’s South West train network.
Liverpool’s 6,000 train commuters who travel out of our region every day to work are being short changed by lengthy commutes to the CBD in comparison to our western Sydney neighbours, he said.
Stage 2 of the Sydney Metro strategy will see the construction of the City and South West train line which will stop at stations every four minutes and increase capacity for 100,000 train customers an hour across peak times.
It will operate on a stand alone network starting at Chatswood, running under Sydney Harbour and through new railway stations in the CBD before finishing at Bankstown.
But Cr Mannoun is urging the State Government to re-think Bankstown as the final stop for the new metro and extend the network to one of Sydney’s key regional cities and the capital of the Great South West, Liverpool.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“It currently takes a commuter about 30 minutes more to travel from Liverpool to the CBD than it does from Parramatta – which is a journey just six kilometres shorter,’’ he said.[/social_quote]
“A 44 plus kilometre journey to the CBD from Penrith and Campbelltown takes roughly the same time as that of a Liverpool commuter, who is 14 kilometres closer.’’
Local commuters having to contend with similar CBD journey times to that of Penrith – a region almost double the distance from the CBD – was simply “unacceptable’’.

“Liverpool has been designated as a regional city by the NSW Government and is growing at twice the NSW average. We will also soon be home to Sydney’s second airport and tens of thousands of new residents,’’ Mayor Mannoun said.
“Including Liverpool on this modern day rail network will support the unprecedented growth of our region and cut wait and travel times significantly.’’
He said extending the line to Liverpool will also reduce congestion on Liverpool’s road network and improve residents’ quality of life.
“Imagine having a train arrive every four minutes at the platform.
“This service will bring us in line with other great modern cities around the world who are taking the bull by the horns and changing attitudes about public transport,’’ he said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“We’re working hard here to create jobs and to make Liverpool a great place to live, work and invest.[/social_quote]
“Extending the line to Liverpool presents the perfect opportunity for the State Government to increase the uptake of public transport, invest in our workforce and continue driving the NSW economy in the right direction.’’
The soon to be constructed Sydney Metro City & South West rail project is on public exhibition with Transport for NSW until July 17.
Mayor Mannoun will be visiting train stations at Liverpool and Warwick Farm from Tuesday, July 14 to Friday, July 17 to petition commuters about the proposal.
An online petition is also available on Liverpool Council’s website. Visit: http://www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au