Blood on Silk: Last Seen by Western Sydney artist Fiona Davies will be launched at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre this Friday.
Made from 800 square metres of exquisite handmade silk paper, Blood on Silk: Last Seen will be the largest indoor artwork in Western Sydney ever seen.
Casula Powerhouse’s inaugural Turbine Hall Commission, Blood on Silk will premiere as part of five stand out visual art exhibitions launching this month and next.
For this new work Davies will transform the Turbine Hall by creating five suspended makeshift hospital rooms from handmade silk paper.
Representing the merging of public and private spaces, Last Seen investigates the emotional landscape that carers and visitors have with the hospital environment experience. It will be curated by Lizzy Marshall.
Fiona Davies is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree (UNSW) and Bachelor of Visual Art (UWS).
Her works are multimedia installations encompassing both the real and simulated.
Her current theoretical practice examines ICU medicalised dying, intertwining emotional knowledge with contemporary medical practices – specifically, definitions of death, the materiality of blood and processes of surveillance.
She exhibits in both formal institutions and non-traditional spaces nationally and internationally.
The Turbine Hall Commissions offer visitors new perceptions of architecture and public spaces through site responsive artworks.
For tickets and further information visit www.casulapowerhouse.com/booknow; stay up to date through: www.facebook.com/casulapowerhouse.