Campbelltown City Council will host an Open Access Forum next month to help seniors and people with disability learn more about the roll-out of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and how it can improve their daily life.
The forum will be held on Thursday, March 10 at the Campbelltown Civic Hall, Queen Street, between 10am and noon.
Guest speaker, the NBN’s community affairs manager in NSW, Michael Tyler, will explain what the NBN is and how it is connected to households, as well as the benefits it offers.
He will also advise how residents can access the NBN and provide an update on the progress of the rollout in the Campbelltown area.
A question and answer session will follow, so participants can clarify any uncertainties they have.
The second half of the forum will involve an interactive workshop, giving attendees the chance to get hands on with Skype and Facebook.
Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr Paul Hawker, said the forum would provide an opportunity for seniors and people with disability to get the facts about the new technology.
“Having access to a fast, reliable phone and internet service can open up all sorts of new possibilities and make life easier for seniors and people with disability – from communicating with friends and family, to searching for information, managing finances and even shopping,” Cr Hawker said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]”The NBN has the potential to change the way we access entertainment and education, as well as creating opportunities to introduce e-health initiatives, like fast transfer of medical images and video consultations.[/social_quote]
“It has the capacity to give seniors, and people with disability, the opportunity to be more productive, more creative and more connected.
“Council is pleased to help seniors and people with disability learn more about the NBN, with the aim of reducing social isolation and increasing access to information and services,” Cr Hawker said.
The Open Access Forum is a free event and refreshments will be provided
♦ Please RSVP via email by Monday, March 7 to seniors@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au or disability@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au or via phone on 4645 4579.