Senior doctor blasts lack of funding for our public hospitals

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A senior doctor at Campbeltown Hospital says local health services still do not receive adequate funding from the government.

Speaking at today’s launch of the 2023 campaign of local charity 24 Hour Fight Against Cancer Macarthur, Dr Andrew Ong, a general surgeon at Campbelltown Hospital,  said that our hospitals were doing a great job.

“But I must say that they do not get the funding they need to do their job,’’ he said.

“The truth is that inner city hospitals still get the lion’s share of health care funding,’’ said Dr Ong, who is pictured above.

A who’s who of Campbelltown and Macarthur attended this morning’s official launch in the Blaxland Road showroom of Clintons, who have supported the 24 Hour charity almost from the very start.

What an effort: Warren Morrison, centre, with NSW Minister Anoulack Chanthivong and federal member for Macarthur Dr Mike Freelander.

The grassroots charity that raises funds to improve cancer care services in Macarthur, is into its 20th year in 2023.

Warren Morrison, only the second chairman of the charity founded by the late Fred Borg, announced that they have now passed the $5 million mark, including $240,000 last year.

Every year 24 Hour and senior hospital staff determine where money raised goes.

After almost 20 years, the list of things bought with 24 Hour money is almost endless.

It includes the provision of a patient transport bus, cooling caps to prevent hair loss in cancer patients, sterilising oven for masks used for head and neck radiation, new chemotherapy chairs and much, much more.

As Warren Morisson reminds everyone at every launch, 24 Hour Fight Against Cancer is a grassroots charity run by volunteers, and where every cent raised goes to wards improving cancer service in our public hospitals, especially the Macarthur cancer therapy centre at Campbelltown Hospital.

But some of the money also goes to the children’s cancer unit, the oncology ward, and the palliative care ward and home outreach services.

Mr Warren announced that the big annual event, the 24 Hour Walk at Campbelltown athletics track will be held on October 14-15 this year.

The other big fundraising days in 2023 are the golf day (July 17), Ladies Day (August 18), Paul Nunnari in Fred’s Push (September 15), Classic car and bike cruise (September 10), and Survivors evening at Club Menangle (October 28).

24 Hour secretary and deputy chair Sue McGarrity, who’s been there since the start, and Mr Morrison at this morning’s official launch.

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