Fred Borg was a man who made his mark.
That was the recurring theme at this morning’s funeral service for the late councillor and charity worker extraordinaire.
Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church in Rosemeadow was full to overflowing as Father Chris Sarkis delivered the last rites to a man his friends called “Borgie’’ or Freddie’’.
Campbelltown had quickly gone into collective mourning on Tuesday as the news started to spread that Fred Borg had died suddenly at the age of 73.
Today, at the completion of the funeral service, which included wonderful eulogies from fellow councillor Warren Morrison and Fred Borg’s children and grandchildren, those present applauded as the hearse drove away.
A private cremation was held after the funeral, followed with a wake at the Campbelltown Catholic Club.
A large representation of Campbelltown councillors and officers, including Mayor George Brticevic and the General Manager, Lindy Deitz, were among the mourners today.
Fred Borg’s passing and funeral also brought back to Campbelltown old faces who haven’ been around the town for some years, including former State MP Graham West and former mayor Jim Kremmer.
“Fred was my deputy mayor one year,’’ Jim Kremmer whispered to South West Voice on our arrival to the church just before 10am this morning.
Federal MPs Chris Hayes and Dr Mike Freelander were also there as well as State MP Anoulack Chanthivong and many other high profile locals.
Father Sarkis said he had known Fred Borg for 30 years.
“I spoke to Fred after he got sick, and he told me he just wanted one thing from me – to pray for him,’’ Fr Sarkis said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Fred said that if the doctors can’t help me I just want God to be merciful and to take me quickly,’’ Fr Sarkis said.[/social_quote]
Earlier, fellow councillor Warren Morrison read one of the eulogies.
“Fred always stood his ground for his beliefs,’’ Cr Morrison said.
“I will miss you, mate.’’
Alfred Joseph Borg was born in Malta in 1943 and came to Australia with his family eight years later in 1951.
He loved Australia, Campbelltown, the Western Suburbs Magpies – he was deeply involved in SWAG, Save Wests Action Group – and his most recent family, the people involved in the 24 Hour Fight Against Cancer.
Fred Borg served nearly 20 years on Campbelltown Council, many years on the chamber of commerce board as director and was one of the founders of the Catholic Club.
There was more, much more, packed into those 73 years.
He was a man who made his mark.
Fred Borg – R.I.P.
RIP Fred Borg- a true gentleman and there will never be a bigger ambassador for Campbelltown.
You will be sorely missed.
True gentleman