Wollondilly residents will again be electing their mayor by popular vote at this year’s local government polls on September 14.
Matt Gould, pictured, who has been mayor for the past four years, is seeking another term. He is one of four candidates with their hats in the ring for the shire’s top job.
The others are Ben Banasik, who is currently a staffer with the independent MP for Wollondilly Judy Hannan.
Appearing at the top of the ballot paper is Bev Spearpoint from Warragamba.
Second place on the ballot paper has gone to Paul Rogers of Bargo.
In third place is Mr Banasik, while Mayor Gould is in the fourth spot.
All four mayoral candidates are also running on top of their ticket in the two wards, east and north.
In Camden, the former mayor Therese Fedeli was the only Liberal to survive the mighty stuff up by party headquarters in failing to submit to the Electoral Commission its endorsed candidates.
Ms Fedeli is on top of the Liberal Party ticket of three candidates in the central ward of Camden and is up against current mayor, Ashleigh Cagney (Labor Party).
In south ward, Labor’s ticket is headed by Damien Anthony Quinnell, the husband of Camden Labor MP Sally Quinnell.
Sitting Councillor Cindy Cagney is running as an independent in the same ward.
Elsewhere in the region, Liverpool’s election is still hanging in the balance because of the legal action taken by the Liberal Party mayor Ned Mannoun against the minister for local government.
A decision is expected after August 26, leaving just a little more than two weeks for campaigning if the Liverpool election does go ahead.