While breakfast with the premier, Mike Baird, will be a major highlight of September – Camden Council Business Month, the appearance of rugby league figure Phil Gould won’t be far behind.
Gould, who is currently the general manager of Penrith Panthers as well as commentator of the footy on Channel 9, will be the guest speaker at the Narellan Chamber of Commerce meeting this Wednesday, September 10.
This will be at Harrington Grove Country club between 6 and 9pm.
The breakfast with the premier is on two days later at the Camden Civic Centre on Friday, September 12, between 7am and 9am.
This is also being hosted by Narellan Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the state member for Camden, Chris Patterson and the Camden Council.
Other highlights of Camden Council’s Business Month during September include:
Small Biz Bus on Friday, September 12, 9am to 3pm, Camden Civic Centre, 1300 134 359.
Thursday, September 25: The Five Biggest Online Mistakes Small Businesses Make (and how to avoid them) by Dr Graeme Salter, 8.30am to 10.30am, at the South West Business Enterprise Centre, 70 Topham Road, Smeaton Grange.
Also on the same day is the Attracting New Leads to my Website workshop with the NSW Chamber and Greater Sydney Digital Enterprise, 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Camden Civic Centre.
A free seminar, Business Start up Essentials, presented by the South West Sydney Enterprise Centre, is on at their office in 70 Topham Road, Smeaton Grange, 6pm to 830pm on Monday, September 29.