Liverpool City Council has welcomed Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss’ announcement that the Federal Government will review Moorebank Intermodal Company’s proposal to build the planned Intermodal freight terminal on prime riverside land on the Georges River.
“We welcome the deputy prime minister’s comments today which outlines that the government will be reviewing the Moorebank proposal to determine if it delivers value for money for taxpayers and achieves the government’s objectives,” said Liverpool City Mayor Ned Mannoun.
“Time has moved on since discussions began about the suitability of the site at Moorebank for an intermodal and the Badgerys Creek Airport announcement amongst other factors is a game changer.
“Council shares the raft of concerns raised by the Independent Planning & Assessment Commission in relation to the Moorebank site.
“Today’s proposal is for significantly more containers than what was stipulated in the Independent Planning Assessment Commission’s ruling.
“Liverpool City Council has been exploring a number of options with regards to the intermodal and would welcome the opportunity to talk to the government about options and suitable alternatives. Any review must provide a comprehensive comparison between Moorebank and Badgerys Creek as the location for an Intermodal.”
Mayor Mannoun reiterated that Liverpool City Council wants the intermodal, but that it wants to ensure that the solution provides benefits to all, both now and in the future.
“It’s not too late to make the right decision, and start the discussion about Sydney’s newest intermodal at Sydney’s newest airport, Badgerys Creek,” he said.
Council recently launched a community campaign, The Right Move, to encourage residents who will be significantly affected by the increased truck movements on local and arterial roads to register their opposition to the proposal with Warren Truss and NSW Planning via www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/therightmove.
It has also released a business case and circulated it to interested parties about why the logical location for an Intermodal is at Badgerys Creek. The business case is available on council’s website.