Everyone loves a parade, right?
Yes, but even a parade can become unloved over time.
Especially a parade held every year.
A parade is like anything else in life – it needs to be nurtured and nourished, to be watered, to be trimmed from time to time and injected with new ideas every so often.
If none of these things happen it will eventually be dull and boring and people just won’t turn up to watch it at the appointed time and day.
This is the fate of all parades.
They have ordinary beginnings, then they peak, and before you know it they’re in decline.
It’s a natural cycle and unfortunately the best time to make changes is when it is at the peak of its popularity.
But who has the nerve to change something when it’s as popular as it can possibly be?
It’s tough but it looks like that’s what is going on right here in Macarthur with the Festival of Fishers Ghost parade.
There’s been no official announcement yet but all the indications are that change is on the way.
What would you change about the parade?
Here’s the Top 5 changes we’d like to see:
Number 1. Have the parade during the night time.
Number 2. Attract more floats from the ethnic tribes that call the region home. Imagine the colour!
Number 3. Add a Vivid-like light show as part of the parade.
Number 4. Change the route of the parade a little every year. This year start the parade at Mac Square and finish at Mawson Park.
Number 5. Hold a giant community sausage sizzle at the conclusion of the parade to be cooked and served by the service clubs like Rotary and Lions.