The NSW Government has recently introduced new laws to protect children from any potential harms associated with e-cigarettes.
Dr Stephen Conaty, the South Western Sydney Local Health District Public Health Unit Director said that since December 1 last year it has been against the law to use an e-cigarette in a car while a child under the age of 16 is present.
Drivers caught breaking the law will be fined $250 by NSW Police, who will have the power to issue on the spot fines.
Dr Conaty said the ban is part of a number of restrictions introduced in relation to the sale of e-cigarettes and accessories.
“These include a ban on the display and advertising of e-cigarettes and accessories and a ban on the sale of these products to minors, which commenced earlier last year,” Dr Conaty said.
A public education campaign is being undertaken to increase awareness in the community about the law banning the use of e-cigarettes in a car with children present, including radio traffic spots and social media posts.
NSW Health has also written to retailers and key industry organisations to raise awareness about the new bans regarding the display and advertising of e-cigarettes and accessories.
For further details call the Tobacco Information Line on 1800 357 412 or visit the website.