Democracy is alive and well in Campbelltown

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It is good to see that there is a high level of interest in the coming local council elections.

Ironically, that’s partly due to the huge media coverage of the Liberal Party’s failure to lodge nominations in time, so we have that to thank them for.

Another reason that, in Campbelltown at least, residents are talking about issues that they think a future council should be acting on is next Monday night’s candidate forum.

Looking at the response to the forum, there’s no doubt in my mind that it has been another factor in promoting interest in the September 14 election.

I was reminded of all of the above after interviewing one of the candidates, Adam Zahra, at Minto Mall last evening.

After a very engaging chat we stood up for some photos of Mr Zahra talking to residents after introducing himself (pictured above).

It was immediately obvious most of the people that stopped to say hello and take a business card from Mr Zahra knew all about the impending election.

To me that’s kind of the best result a healthy democracy can produce: engaged voters thinking about the place where they live and are bringing up their families and asking how it can all be made a little better.

The other good thing has been that discussion, in public or on social media, has been civilised and respectful.

We must really fight to stop any move away from such an approach, which only brings division and disharmony.

Free speech, respect for your opponent’s view and civilised engagement has been the hallmark of democracy since the ancient Greeks introduced it to the world more than 2000 years ago.

In typical Australian style, we have added the democracy sausage to it, and I reckon that’s not a bad contribution.

Back to Monday night’s forum, and like everyone else I am very much looking forward to hearing from the people who want to be elected to our council.

Once again we hope for a peaceful exchange of thoughts and ideas over two hours devoted to talking about how to make Campbelltown an even better place than it is. There’s still time to register to attend on the night, at the Campbelltown arts centre. register your seat at

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