It is two years since MP Anoulack Chanthivong first penned a letter to Santa requesting a fair share for the Macquarie Fields electorate, and this year’s list has only grown longer.
“Gladys, take note because our community is fed up. As my list grows longer, so too does the level of frustration and discontent among my constituents towards this Liberal Government,” Mr Chanthivong said.
“Our community is tired of being ignored, tired of being short-changed and tired of not being given a fair go.
“In fact, we’re so tired of this government’s inaction and unfairness that I’ve resorted to writing to Santa – again!
“The list is not fanciful. I don’t need a shiny new car or another pair of socks. I just want my electorate of Macquarie Fields to receive its fair share.”
Transport woes top this year’s list, including restoring fairness to the train timetable for Western Sydney commuters and putting a stop to the Liberal Government’s extension of the M5 tolls
A lift for Macquarie Fields Station and more commuter carparking are also priorities.
The loss of basic government services features prominently, with fears the merger of the Campbelltown and Macquarie Fields Local Area Commands will pave the way for the possible closure or downgrading of the Macquarie Fields Police Station. The loss of the Ingleburn Motor Registry back in 2015 still hits hard for local constituents, who have to travel up to 40 minutes to access their closest Service NSW centre.
Overdevelopment and the loss of vital green open space in our local area are recurring items on this year’s wish-list, with constituents calling for urgent action to ease the squeeze felt by encroaching development across the electorate.
The Liberal Government’s sale of the Hurlstone Farm to developers as part of a greedy land grab and the uncertain future of the region’s much-loved and iconic Scenic Hills also feature prominently.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Under the Berejiklian Liberal Government, the list keeps growing but I will continue to fight for our community’s fair share,’’ Mr Chanthivong said.[/social_quote]
“One other request is a Premier that visits the electorate once in a while to hear first-hand our community’s growing concerns and frustrations, but I expect Rudolph will get here quicker than Premier Berejiklian.
“Of course, my final request for Santa is that Labor wins the 2019 election so we can deliver a fairer NSW for all.”