It looks like we will get to elect new councils in September.
That’s not a rolled gold guarantee; it can’t be because the state government is simply not up to the job of saying yes or no to local government elections on the second Saturday in September (10). Not yet, anyway.
But the hour of reckoning may only be put back a while, not forever, so councils like Camden and Liverpool will find out if ratepayers will punish them.
Funny that, both are run by the Liberal Party, which does not seem to be doing a great job in the south west.
Both have been autocratic in a lot of their decision making and locals just don’t like to be have their views ignored by Town Hall.
This hasn’t been the case in Campbelltown, certainly, where inertia seems to have been the major problem there over the past four years.
They have talked a lot all four mayors they’ve had over the four year term, Sue Dobson, Clinton Mead, Paul Lake and currently Paul Hawker.
But talk is cheap, according to the former mayor and now federal member for Macarthur, Russell Matheson.
The MP accused council of not being proactive enough and of simply putting out its hand for infrastructure grants.
And this is a good council, basically, and apart from a few issues, they work well together.
But there’s no getting away from the argument that as far as new ideas – and the energy to implement them go – Campbelltown is in dire need of some fresh faces on the council chamber.
It’s a simple matter of some people having to accept that they should move on for the good of Campbelltown.
There is no need to single anyone out, they know who they are but it is a worry that when asked why this councillor was still on the council after so many years, the reply was instructive: “I like being on the council,’’ the councillor replied.
Well, whether you are in Camden, Wollondilly, Liverpool or Campbelltown, you have been given due notice that you have at least four months to prepare to cast an informed vote in September.
To make a difference to your community by exercising your right to vote.
Remember what they say: we get the politicians we deserve, and many of them get elected because we just don’t know or care.
Ppl don’t like party politics @ local govt, it defeats the idea of having a voice about how your wheelie bin gets picked up !!