Not even drastic storms and flooding can stop the spectacular show of thousands of Paper Daisies in an annual display at the Australian Botanic Garden this spring.
The display covers a total area of more than 1,700 square metres, which is just over the size of an Olympic swimming pool.
It will all be unveiled next week when the nursery nets that have been protecting the plants since May are removed.
“The annual display draws crowds of people from all over Sydney and it could have been a non-event this year thanks to the floods in June,” said John Siemon, curator manager of the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.
“But time and dedication from our horticulture team at the Garden has saved the display, which will be in brilliant colour soon,’’ Mr Siemon said.
Paper Daisies hail from Western Australia.
The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan is one of the few places on the east coast that people can enjoy the beauty of Paper Daisies in mass plantings.
Visitors heading to the Garden to see the display in early September can also enjoy the spectacular wattle blooms.
There will be approximately 200 species of wattle on display throughout the Garden until the middle of September.
For those inspired to add a splash of colour to their own gardens, Paper Daisy seeds can be purchased from the Australian Botanic Garden Visitor Centre, near the Connections Garden.
The Paper Daisy display will be in flower until late October 2016.
SNAPSHOT: Paper Daisy Display
When: September to late October 2016;
Location: The Connections Garden, Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan;
Cost: Free.
Website: Click here.