Cutting edge bush restoration project: check out how it’s done

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bush restoration
Bye bye weeds: Liverpool Action Group are restoring bush along the Georges River in Chipping Norton and have an information day there this Thursday from 10am open to the public.

A cutting edge South west Sydney bush restoration project is showing the rest of Australia how to tackle weeds.

The Georges River project is developing new techniques in weed removal which could transform bush regeneration across this big brown land.

Liverpool Action Group, known as LAG Environment Group, have started the restoration of hectares of bush along the banks of the Georges River at Chipping Norton.

A spokesman for the group, Ian Bailey, said that a government grant and donations from local businesses and LAG members have enabled these volunteers to launch the project.

Mr Bailey said that the project was based on a plan discussed and developed by the LAG committee three years ago.

The project is led by retired professional environment expert Bob Storey.

The main aim is to remove massed woody weeds along the Georges River and replace them with the original riparian Cumberland bushland.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“This has developed into a project which may well show the bush regenerators of Australia new techniques in removing feral weeds which have totally smothered the understory and prevented natural regrowth,’’ Mr Bailey said.[/social_quote]

If you live in the south west of Sydney and have an interest in bush restoration or the environment and would like to know more about this project, Liverpool Action Group invite you to an open day this Thursday, on the site of the project.

There you will be able to view the start of their work, and demonstrations and talks about how they plan to proceed with the project.

You will even be able to join the group and become a member on the day.

lagbottom♦ Here are the details if you’d like to attend:

WHAT: Georges River bush restoration project information day.

WHO: LAG Environment Group.

WHEN: Thursday, November 26.

TIME: 10am

WHERE: Park at the end of Sammut Crescent, Chipping Norton. Walk directly to the river across Chauvel Park, where you will find the team.

CONTINGENCIES: If it is raining the event will be postponed. If all is fine, please arrive in your protective clothing, enclosed shoes, safe eyewear and bring your camera.

ENQUIRIES: Ian Bailey on 0412 251 337 or email him at


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