Labor councillor Anne Stanley wanted council to act quickly over a traffic problem involving Westfield, but a majority at Liverpool Council’s first 2015 meeting on Tusday evening voted to hold talks with the management of the shopping giant first.
When put to the vote, a majority opted to discuss the issue with Westfield first before taking any action, supporting a motion lodged by Cr Tony Hadchiti.
Before the vote was taken, Cr Stanley said it was important council made it clear to Westfield it was “serious about doing something about this problem.’’
Cr Stanley stated in her notice of motion that “at peak times the traffic entering Westfields Liverpool causes issues in Bathurst Street with traffic sometimes queuing back to Moore Street or further. This traffic congestion then has flow on effects to traffic throughout the CBD and beyond.
“I have raised this on several occasions but as yet a solution has not been achieved.’’
Cr Stanley wanted council to back the following four point plan:
Investigate the traffic interaction with Westfield and implement strategies to improve traffic movements around the centre;
Restrict and enforce by way of a barrier traffic turning right into the second driveway entrance from Bathurst Street. The movement of traffic at this driveway is already illegal as it turns right across double unbroken lines.
Liaise with Westfields to improve traffic entry into the car parks. (By for instance presenting tickets without the need to press buttons thereby reducing the wait for cars at the parking barriers);
Report to Council by April 2015.
Mr Carl Wulff, the Liverpool Council chief executive officer, said in the report tabled at the meeting that “Council is aware of the congestion around the Westfield precinct due to capacity constraints associated with the access points to and from the Westfield car park, as well as operation of the car park boom gates.
“The capacity constraints include the following:
Proximity of two driveways along Bathurst Street between Elizabeth Street and Campbell Street;
Close proximity of the driveway in Campbell Street to the signals at Bathurst Street;
Close proximity of the driveway in Campbell Street to the signals at George Street;
Multi-driveways in George Street with high pedestrian volumes crossings;
Directional signage within the car park and overall management of traffic flow within the car park; and
The current technology used at the car park boom gates is time consuming and delays entry and exit movements.
“To address these traffic issues, council has organised a meeting with Westfields Centre Management in the next two weeks, to discuss options and avenue to improve traffic conditions around the Westfield precinct, Mr Wulff’s report said.
It also said that some of the suggestions to be put forward to the Westfield Centre Management include the following:
Banning the right turn from Bathurst Street into the signalised entry to Westfields. The movement can be catered through the conversion of Secant Street to a one-way street, thus achieving two thru lanes, to operate as a q-turn roadway to allow entry to the Westfield car park. This option will increase storage and remove conflict;
Provision of a median strip at Bathurst Street across the second entry driveway to Westfield. This option will simplify turning movements into this car park access point;
Modification of the intersection of Castlereagh Street and Secant Street to allow the creation of dual left turn slip lanes for both northern and southern approaches;
Rearrange the section of Campbell Street, between Macquarie and George Street to provide dedicated right turn bays into the Westfield Car park and also heading southbound in George Street.’’