Child care services provided by local councils have been rated as very good, according to a new report.
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Quarterly Report says local government owned and operated services exceed the standards delivered by commercial services.
More than 50 per cent of state/territory and local government services were independently rated as operating well above the profession’s national standards, compared with just 18 per cent of private for profit operators.
Across NSW there are over 300 local government childcare services.
Within metropolitan Sydney, there are now more than 180 local government childcare services providing education and care to more than 20,000 children.
“These results demonstrate the importance of investment in educational programs for young children, and in ensuring that the right compliance and safety standards are being met,” says Local Government NSW president Keith Rhoades.
“Typically local government benefits from dedicated compliance teams which ensure their childcare centres and Family Day Care providers deliver a higher quality service – which means better social and educational outcomes for children,” he said.
Local government education and care providers were also committed to equitable access to childcare, according to Cr Rhoades.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Childcare providers like these play a key role in meeting the needs of children with additional needs, and in supporting low income, disadvantaged or vulnerable families in their local communities.[/social_quote]
“This investment is critical to their long term success in school and life,” he said.
“The local government sector has played a major role in keeping a lid on excessive costs and facilitating access to affordable early childhood education and care.
“Fees are also reinvested back into services, funding new educational and capital resources including playground upgrades.”
Local government services encompass early education centres, Family Day Care schemes, preschools, occasional care, before and after school care, vacation care and a number of other family services.
♦ Local Government Week runs from today and until August 7, with events and celebrations planned throughout Sydney. Visit your council’s website for details.
I have seen very good council child care. They are the best option for low income families.