To paraphrase an old political saying, it’s the cost of living, stupid – that’s what this NSW state election is all about.
Nathan Hagarty (pictured above) Labor’s candidate in what is expected to be a bellweather seat, Leppington, told me today that cost of living’s the big one in what are the new centres of South Western Sydney.
Almost two weeks out from polling day on Saturday, March 25, it’s just too close to call. But we do know what will decide the outcome.
And that is whoever convinces the electorate it has the best policies to deal with cost of living pressures will get the nod and form government.
Everything else seems to have been put aside for another time and another election.
The government, which has been in power for 12 years, is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this issue, but I am not sure much of it is sticking.
The problem with the Liberal and Nationals coalition is that the electorate is cynical about such promises, having been treated as mugs time and time again in previous elections.
But it does defy logic that there is scant evidence of an “it’s time’’ factor at play so far.
Maybe it will kick in during the critical last two weeks of the campaign.
The Labor opposition on the other hand, and leader Chris Minns have had a tough time trying to convince voters they’re ready for government.
Minns comes across as a nice guy, but you know what they say about where nice guys finish.
We want as premier someone prepared to make tough decisions, not someone who won’t offend anybody or someone who play a bit of guitar.
A premier has to lead the way in taking on the bureaucrats who try to stop him implementing his policies.
If he doesn’t how will his ministers have the courage to do the same.
The people elect politicians to run the government not some anonymous fat cat on close to a million dollars a year salary.
Reducing the number of fat cat bureaucrats via natural attrition will resonate with voters, but Minns will need more ideas like that to carry the day on March 25.