Fearful Campbelltown residents may miss out, MP Greg Warren has issued an urgent call for local businesses to sign up as a collection point for the NSW Government’s container deposit scheme.
The scheme is set to start in less than two weeks on December 1.
Mr Warren says he became concerned after he contacted the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to find out if any businesses in his electorate had signed up as a collection point.
He said he was told the nearest one to Campbelltown was located at Spring Farm, near Camden.
Mr Warren said the availability of local collection points was vital to the success of the scheme.
“This container deposit scheme has the potential to massively reduce litter in our community and improve recycling rates, but in order for it to be a success we must have collection points located locally,’’ Mr Warren said.
“We can’t expect people to load up their cars and haul their empty cans and bottles out to Spring Farm – we need a collection point here in Campbelltown for our growing community to make use of.
“I’m calling on our local businesses, particularly our supermarkets, to do their bit and sign up as a collection point, for the benefit of our whole community.
“It doesn’t cost those businesses anything to host a reverse-vending machine – but the benefits to our community are enormous.”
The scheme, which has bipartisan support, allows NSW residents to claim a 10 cent refund for most drink containers of between 150mL and 3L capacities by returning them to a designated collection point.
The scheme relies on business to opt-in to being a collection point by hosting a reverse-vending machine, providing wider environmental benefits as well as commercial benefits to the hosting business in the form of increased patronage.