The exceptional quality of almost 200 entries had presented the three judges of the 54th Fisher’s Ghost art award open prize with a tremendous challenge to find a winner.
One of the judges, Khaled Sabsabi, speaking at the announcement of the winners at the Campbelltown arts centre last night said the art works in the running were diverse and of very high quality.
“All three of us judges felt the field in 2016 had been of exceptional quality,’’ Sabsabi told a large gathering assembled outside in the amphitheatre courtyard of the arts centre.
Sabsabi said the winning entry by Darren Sylvester, Green Editorial, was a compelling work of art.
Sylvester, a Melbourne based artist who attended the presentation, walked away with the $20,000 prizemoney after being named the winner.
In accepting the award Sylvester made a very brief speech in which he thanked the judges and the organisers of the Fisher’s Ghost art award.
Arts centre director Michael Agostino welcomed artists and guests to the 54th Fisher’s Ghost art award.
Official guests included the mayor of Campbelltown, George Brticevic, general manager Lindy Deitz and a number of councillors and representatives of the sponsors of the various awards.

Other winners on the night were:
Surrealism – Gary Smith – Kulnura Drive;
Macability award – Amy Claire Mills – Mycobacterium Abscessus;
Sculpture: Claudia Nicholson – The Battle of the Sad Night (La Noche Triste);
Photography – Sean O’Keefe with Carolyn Eccles -Section of Lost Film Feat: Glenn Meringuey;
Traditional – Julie McCurry – Cabbage Palms near Dunmore Hill;
Contemporary – Ludwig El Hadad an Mohammed Alanezi – Why are you filming? we will soon be dead.
I was wondering today who won #fishersghost #artaward so thanks for the update.