How is this possible?
Just two or three years ago Christmas in July was virtually a phenomenon.
Everyone was into it.
You couldn’t book a table on the weekend at your favourite restaurant because Christmas in July devotees had snapped up all the reservations.
Well, all good things must come to an end, it seems.
Even a popular fad like Christmas in July.
And that’s the thing – in the end it was just another fad, albeit one that lasted longer than most.
Going to local restaurants in the past few weeks I’ve enquired about Christmas in July and they’ve all come back with: not doing it this year, nobody’s interested anymore.
So what do you do if you like the concept so much you’ve been having your friends over for an annual Christmas in July feast at home?
Nothing; just keep doing it.
We did have our own Christmas in July last Sunday, and it was as enjoyable as ever; turkey, pork, leg ham and the most delicious roasted potatoes, cooked to the Jamie Oliver recipe.
A roaring fire in a pit added to the atmosphere of sitting outside in the sun having a wonderful meal.
Some of our friends come over from the Blue Mountains and they were happy to report that Christmas in July is still popular up there.
Way things are going we may just give that a go come next July.
Christmas in July may be out of fashion, but as far as we are concerned it still makes sense to have such a great feast twice a year instead of just the once.