As the number of homeless people in our community continues to grow, a bigger effort is needed to help them.
That includes making sure that they aren’t left out during the Christmas period.
It’s why Wests Group Macarthur have joined forces with the Macarthur Homelessness Steering Committee (MHSC) to make sure local homeless people receive gifts this Christmas.
All Christmas gifts received as part of the 2017 Wests Group Macarthur Giving Tree appeal will go to homeless people in the region.
Taking part is simple: members and guests take a tag from the Giving Tree located in the foyers of Wests League Club and Country Club Gledswood Hills and donate a Christmas gift.
MHSC, which will distribute the gifts to local homeless people, is a subcommittee of One Door Mental Health, a network of community services and government organisations operating across the Macarthur region.
One Door Mental Health is dedicated to addressing the vicious cycle of homelessness and its key objective is to alleviate the plight of homeless people.
Homelessness across Macarthur presents in a number of guises, including couch surfing, overcrowding and living in vehicles. It is not always obvious and there are often mental health and other issues associated with it.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The Giving Tree is an aid to support the growing number of homelessness in Macarthur with our Group encouraging presents to be donated to those in need this Christmas season,’’ says Wests Group Macarthur CEO Tony Mathew.[/social_quote]
“Simply take a tag from the Giving tree, buy and wrap a present for a male or female and state the age relating to the present.
“Presents are encouraged for young children, youth and adults of both genders.”
Wests Group Macarthur are asking members and guests to place their presents under the Giving Tree at the two clubs before Sunday, December 17.