Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre at Campbelltown Hospital has been rated the best in NSW for the second year in a row.
The Bureau for Health Information’s 2016 Outpatient Cancer Clinics patient survey found the hospital was significantly better than the NSW average on 19 questions, the best of any cancer centre in the state.
Dr Annette Tognela, acting director of Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre, said the results were recognition of the Campbelltown Hospital clinic staff’s dedication to their work and their patients.
“The staff make those results and they’ve clearly got a customer focus in mind,” she said.
“Our people understand and empathise with what the patients and their families and carers are going through.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Our aim is to do what works for our patients and we try and design the service for our patients’ needs.”[/social_quote]
The clinic can see up to 200 patients a day and manage 1,700 newly diagnosed adolescent and adult patients every year either for follow up appointments post-cancer or for treatment of existing cancers.
The results found 97 per cent of patients said they would speak highly of their care to family and friends and 89 per cent rated their overall care as very good.
Eighty-nine per cent said their health professionals always explained the next steps of their care and treatment in a way they could understand, while 97 per cent said health professionals were kind and caring.
Of those surveyed, 93 per cent said they definitely had confidence and trust and in their health professionals and 94 per cent said clinicians explained things in a way they could understand.

Dr Tognela said the clinic’s positive, customer focused culture started with associate professor Stephen Della-Fiorentina’s strong leadership, which was supported by senior managers, and embraced by all staff members, creating a workplace of choice for doctors and nurses.
She also credited the partnerships Campbelltown Hospital Cancer Services had developed with community benefactors and donors who provided services like cold caps, patient transport bus, pet therapy and wellness programs.
Karen Kenmir, acting general manager of Camden and Campbelltown Hospitals, said she was proud to see staff having such a positive effect on patients.
“Undergoing treatment for cancer, or other serious conditions, is always a very stressful and upsetting time,” she said.
“I’m proud to see our staff are doing such a good job of caring for our patients and making them feel safe and looked after.
“At Campbelltown Hospital we always want to provide safe, high quality care and it always gives our staff members a boost when they hear directly from the patients that they are achieving this ambition.”
Sarah Sanders Meryl LaMacchia Tara Williams Alita McGregor