A new four year term starts at Campbelltown Council tonight but some of the issues it will deal with have been going on for years.
One of them is the proposal for a cemetery at Varroville, which received rezoning approval just before the council elections in September.
The mayor, George Brticevic, has tabled a notice of motion which seeks support to appeal against the rezoning decision.
The three part motion calls on council to:
• obtain urgent legal advice exploring avenues of appeal to the recent zoning approval for a 136,000 plot cemetery within the Scenic Hills;
• invite the Minister for Planning Rob Stokes to inspect the Scenic Hills and Varroville House. Also to meet with the owners of Varroville House Jacqui Kirkby/Peter Gibbs along with other members of the Scenic Hills Association, Mayor and interested Councillors;
• invite Greater Sydney Planning Commission District Commissioner Sydney South West Ms Sheridan Dudley to inspect the Scenic Hills and Varroville House. Also to meet with the owners of Varroville House Jacqui Kirkby/Peter Gibb along with other members of the Scenic Hills Association, Mayor and interested Councillors.
The mayor has lodged a second notice of motion, which follows up on one of the Labor Party promises made during the election.
Cr Brticevic is asking for a report investigating the feasibility of turning the dilapidated tennis courts located at Cleopatra Drive, Rosemeadow into multipurpose courts, along the same lines as occurred at Macquarie Fields.
Another notice of motion for tonight will also see the keeping of an election promise, this time by newly elected councillor Warren Morrison.
Cr Morrison wants council to write to the Minister for Transport requesting the provision of bus services along Blaxland Road, an issue he raised during the election.
Another old issue councillors will debate tonight is a development application for a boarding house at 17 Iolanthe Street, Campbelltown.
The original application for a four storey building containing 18 boarding rooms was lodged with the council back in May 2014.

But it’s not all old news at Campbelltown Council – tonight it will also consider whether to approve plans for a new, 523 seat Catholic Church in Demetrius Road, Rosemeadow
Council will also determine a rezoning application for a 17.5 hectare site to allow for the construction of 170 new homes near Ingleburn.
Known locally as “Caledonia’’, the site is bounded by Bensley Road, Mercedes Road and Oxford Road.
It is currently zoned E4 – Environmental Living with a minimum of two hectares for subdivision.
It is proposed that the land be rezoned to a mix of R5 Large Lot Residential, R2 Low Density Residential and RE1 Open Space with a mixture of lot sizes.
The proposal is expected to get the green light.
♦ Council meetings start from 6.30pm.
Hi Eric…did the Caledonia rezoning application get the green light?