An election campaign with a difference has been launched in Campbelltown.
The aim of the NSW Cancer Council’s Saving Life 2019 campaign is to convince the next NSW Government to ramp up the fight against cancer.
“We’re campaigning to address issues that will help create a cancer free future,” says Angela Lonergan, a local community advocate.
“We have achieved so much to reduce cancer rates but there is much more we need to do.’’
As part of the Saving Life 2019 campaign there will be a local State election candidate forum, postcard signings and information over the next nine months leading up to the election on the last Saturday in March next year.
Saving Life 2019 was launched on Friday, August 24 at the Daffodil Day stall in Minto.
Angela Lonergan, a local Cancer Advocacy Network (CanAct) volunteer presented Macquarie Fields MP Anoulack Chanthivong with the Saving Life 2019 election priorities document which details cancer issues affecting the community.
Saving Life 2019 addresses three key areas where the State Government can make a big impact.
This includes protecting the community from tobacco, tackling childhood obesity and supporting people with lymphoedema.
Melissa Mackay, community programs coordinator at Cancer Council’s Greater Western Sydney office says: “Every day in NSW, more than 120 people hear the words ‘you’ve got cancer’, and too many families lose someone they love.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The next NSW Government has the power to reduce the number of people who will get cancer and ensure that people who experience cancer get the support they need,” Ms Mackay said.[/social_quote]
- Saving Life 2019: Election Priorities will support the next NSW Government to take action to further reduce the impact of cancer on our community. Key policy proposals:
- Strengthen the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 to ensure that people working or socialising in bars and clubs in NSW are protected from second-hand smoke.
- Amend the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 to ban tobacco vending machines and introduce an annual licence fee to encourage retailers to stop selling. These measures will reduce the risk of young people developing this fatal habit and support smokers to quit.
- Remove junk food advertising from state owned property to reduce children’s exposure; support national regulations on food marketing to children.
- Provide funding for public lymphoedema services across NSW to ensure that people with lymphoedema have timely access to evidence-based care, regardless of where they live.
About CanAct:
- CanAct is a network of thousands of community advocates across NSW with the passion and the power to change what politicians do about cancer.
To join the Saving Life 2019 campaign, visit canact.com.au