Camels as mode of transport: that would be a wild ride

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Visiting Uluru earlier this year we had booked a camel ride. When it all came unstuck because of a typo in the booking, I must admit I was a little relieved.

I mean, you look at those things, camels that is, and can you imagine having to ride them on a regular basis? No, nor me.

They look rather uncomfortable, and the shape of the back looks like it was designed by a committee.

Of course I know their legendary status as an animal that can move for long distances without needing a drink of water.

And obviously they played a reasonably important role in the early days of the colony, although I’d give my right arm to know what the locals thought when they saw them for the first time.

As a mode of transport option, it would depend how far you plan to go, but again I confess they would not make my top five.

They look like they would give you a pain in the backside that would last a month, so no thanks for me.

Oh OK, let’s put them in our Top 5 long distance modes of transport then, but they would definitely sit at the bottom on five.

Number 1. Planes. It’s not their fault our continent is 24 hours away from most civilised places in the northern hemisphere.

Number 2. Trains. If you can afford to, travel in style just about anywhere in the world – and if you’re nervous about flying, well, bonus.

Number 3. Ships. People are crazy about cruises these days, but I am not sure about ocean travel along with 5000 other humans.

Number 4. Car. Your own car, how good. Another thing people are crazy about these days, travelling around Australia in their car, some of them towing a caravan. Good for them.

Number 5. Camels, and as alluded above, they’re only here on this list because of their exotic, and indeed intriguing nature.

1 thought on “Camels as mode of transport: that would be a wild ride”

  1. I have ridden camels in Egypt and later dromedaries (two humps) in Mongolia. The Mongolian ones were more comfortable but neither were difficult to ride. I also rode horses in the desert in Mongolia and no problems there either. At the end of the Mongolian horse event they looked at me and said “Australians can ride!”


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