Camden Sporties back in business from today

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After experiencing major flooding and devastation not once but twice, Camden Sports Club is back in business from today, Friday, April 22.

And the timing couldn’t be better with three days of two-up as part of the 2022 Anzac Day weekend given the green light by the authorities.

But it has taken a massive effort to get to today, and a lot of volunteer work from the local community as well as support from bigger clubs, including Wests Group Macarthur.

And that support was critical, because by the time the first “rain-bomb’’ in March had done its terrible work, the club was on its knees, so to speak.

Everything in the club was either washed in a thick layer of mud, badly damaged or lost completely; almost all contents of Camden Sports Club were destroyed.

The recovery phase for the club saw the local RFS, Camden Council and some dedicated volunteers join forces to help the club back on its feet.

The plan was to get Camden Sports Club back up and serving cold beers at Easter.

But then the second “rain-bomb’’ came along and a lot of Camden was once again under water.

Camden Sports Club was more prepared the second time around, enlisting an army of people including several from the Wests Group Macarthur team to help move items to the second level and sandbagging all doors, pictured at right.

However, there was still some internal damage and they quickly recovered to get on with the laying of new carpet, the installation of a new TAB and bistro area and fresh paint across the venue.

The result is an inviting space, filled with love and community spirit, ready and waiting to welcome back members and guests, starting from today.

Wests Group Macarthur played a key role, supplying furniture, gaming machines, plants, cutlery stations, ice machines, security system update, as well as resourcing and manpower towards training, transport, IT and marketing support.

“Wests was compelled to play a role in getting Camden Sporties back on its feet for their members and the Camden community,’’ says Wests Group Macarthur chairman Alan Buxton.

“We know that local clubs are so much more than just a local venue, they are often a lifeblood for local communities, and we are thrilled to see the doors open again.’’

Brooke Grech, director of Camden Sporties, thanked Wests and everyone else who helped the club in its hour of need.

“Without the generosity, support and love shown by West Group Macarthur, other clubs and our local community members that stepped in to help a fallen neighbour, we simply wouldn’t have been able to get to where we are today,’’ Ms Grech said.

“The friendship, support and camaraderie has been completely overwhelming.

“The community dug deep, and the result will be an opening day and a future that is a credit to everyone who lent a hand.

“A huge thank you to everyone who played a role with the survival of Camden Sports Club. Tomorrow will certainly be an occasion that you can feel proud of.’’

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