Camden Council got on the Spring Farm Parkway bandwagon at its last meeting.
Fed up with the Narellan Road roadworks taking forever, it unanimously supported a notice of motion moved by Labor councillors Ashleigh and Cindy Cagney calling on local Liberal MP Chris Patterson to request that priority be placed on funding and planning for the Spring Farm Parkway, including both on and off ramps at the Hume Highway for both directions.
The motion also called for an integrated transport system, including rail extension from Macarthur through to Narellan.
All eight councillors attending the meeting (Mayor Lara Symkowiak was not present) supported the notice of motion, which acknowledged that traffic congestion within the Camden LGA was reaching “near gridlock levels’’.
The motion also stated that councillors “recognise the daily difficulties Camden residents face while navigating Narellan Road and the impact congestion has on local businesses and acknowledge the adverse impacts Narellan Road is having on local roads.’’
A copy of council’s letter to Mr Patterson will be sent to the Minister for Roads, Minister for Transport and Premier of NSW Gladys Berejiklian.
• In other decisions at the June 13 meeting, councillors backed a notice of motion moved by Cr Eva Campbell and Cr Ashleigh Cagney that any application for development in the St Johns Church Heritage Precinct must be brought to Council for consideration.
• A third notice of motion was moved by Cr Cindy Cagney and Cr Campbell that the council General Manager liaise with Wollondilly and Campbelltown Council as to the content of their submission to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the bid by Mirvac to have land at Menangle included within the Greater Macarthur Priority Growth Area.
The motion, which also requested that a brief report be presented to the next meeting of Camden Council, was supported by all councillors at the meeting.

Sue Gay
Exactly – makes it easy for them with absolutely no consideration of the outcomes at this end, for the people of Appin, also for the enviromential issues.