Calls from residents opposed to the Moorebank intermodal to hold a Planning and Assessment Commission public hearing next year have fallen on deaf ears.
It means the public hearing will now go ahead at Club Liverpool on Tuesday, December 12 from 9.30am.
Upset that they would only have three weeks to prepare submissions, Residents Against Intermodal Development (RAID) Inc launched a campaign to have the meeting postponed, but it was unsuccessful.
Chairman John Anderson told the South West Voice this morning that he had even called the Commission to explain why it should be postponed.
“We really ought to wait for the Land and Environment Court decision before this public hearing happens.
“But they are going ahead anyway,’’ he said.
Residents launched legal action in the Land and Environment Court, which was heard late in October.
The decision is not expected to be handed down until after Christmas.
Mr Anderson said RAID was confident the residents would get a good result in the Land and Environment Court, especially in relation to stronger conditions being imposed on the giant development along Moorebank Avenue.
“This Planning and Assessment Commission hearing on December 12 deals with modifications to the development lodged by the proponents, but it’s hard for us to respond properly if we don’t know the result of the legal action,’’ Mr Anderson said.
The proponents have lodged applications for four modifications to the intermodal
Two of the four modification applications have been referred to the Planning and Assessment Commission.
The Commission advised residents who had previously made submissions on the proposed development that it would hold a public hearing on December 12.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Due to the level of public interest in the proposals, the Commission will be meeting to hear public views on the Department’s Assessment Reports and recommendations, prior to determining the proposals,’’ PAC said in its notice to residents.[/social_quote]
“This is a final opportunity for you to comment on the Department’s assessment and recommended conditions of approval, before a decision is made.’’
The meeting next Tuesday will be open to the public to observe the proceedings.