The NSW Government has committed almost $500 million unlocking land and accelerating housing infrastructure to enable hundreds of thousands of new homes across the State.
The measures are part of the 2022-2023 NSW Budget.
The $500 million of the NSW Government’s 2022 housing package will deliver:
$300 million to co-fund and accelerate the delivery of shovel-ready infrastructure projects that will enable new homes in Sydney and key regional areas;
$89 million to unlock more homes sooner state-wide through faster planning assesments;
$69.8 million to accelerate the rezoning of key housing precincts in Sydney and regional areas to make more land development-ready for new homes;
$33.8 million to address housing supply in regional NSW and create a 10-year regional housing supply pipeline that will make housing and infrastructure delivery more certain;
$3.8 million for call-in team for accelerated council led rezonings.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet says housing supply, ownership and affordability are some of the state’s biggest challenges and in order to keep up with the demand, the NSW Government is making some major strategic investments.
“This is about getting keys in doors with this commitment supercharging housing supply to help people across the state get one step closer to home ownership,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Being able to buy a home has a huge impact on where people choose to live, work and raise a family and this investment will help give people more choice and deliver a brighter future for NSW families.
“We know one of the biggest constraints on housing supply is a lack of supporting infrastructure like water, roads, sewerage and parks. So we are rolling out a $300 million investment to help councils deliver the projects that help grow our communities.”