Budget cuts by the Baird Government to the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) must be immediately reversed following reports of widespread child abuse in state-funded residential care.
The 2015-16 Budget slashed almost $3 million and 82 jobs from statutory child protection services across NSW as well as almost $2 million and 11 jobs from the Office of the Children’s Guardian – the agency tasked with overseeing working with children checks.
A further 26 jobs have been stripped from out-of-home care and community support services in the same budget.
These positions directly relate to oversight of the residential care system.
The Baird Government also plans to cut another $70 million each year from FACS via a major restructure of the department.
“What further evidence does the government need to understand that budget cuts to child protection agencies have disastrous consequences for vulnerable children in Campbelltown and across NSW,’’ Mr Warren said.
“There is a crisis of abuse in the residential care system in NSW.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“These shocking statistics demonstrate yet another failure by the government to protect our most vulnerable children.[/social_quote]
“What we are seeing here is a department whose resources are being stretched beyond breaking point while the minister continues to wave through huge budget cuts and major reductions in staff.
“Today’s tragic statistics are a direct result of the relentless cuts this government has made to the Department of Family and Community Services.
“This government cannot continue to subject our most vulnerable children to a system that is clearly failing to protect them in the most fundamental way,”Mr Warren said.
The call from Mr Warren comes following reports one in 10 children in residential care in 2014 was a victim of sexual abuse.
The care provided to children in residential and out-of-home care is funded by the Baird Government and falls under the administration of the Department of Family and Community Services.