Regular breast checks may have saved Cheryl’s life

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Cheryl Serret has been having regular breast screening checks since 2007. Last month, after a routine screening, Mrs Serret received a call for further tests at BreastScreen NSW-Liverpool, where a small ductal cancer was found.

Mrs Serret has no personal or family history of breast cancer and said the team were fantastic in making her feel comfortable.

“The radiographer and entire team were very friendly and thorough. I felt very safe in their hands,” said the Southern Highlands resident.

“It was so good they did the follow-up biopsy and caught it early. They referred me for further treatment which I’m receiving now.”

Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among women in NSW, with one in seven diagnosed in their lifetime.

Chief Cancer Officer NSW and CEO of the Cancer Institute NSW, Professor Tracey O’Brien, said that age and being female are the two biggest risk factors to developing breast cancer.

“More than 75 per cent of breast cancers occur in women over 50 and we know that screening saves lives by finding breast cancer early,” Prof O’Brien said.

“There are many reasons why women may put off their breast screen. Some feel that without a family history they are not at risk, some say they are too busy, and others fear embarrassment about the procedure.

“We need women to know that breast cancer can happen to anyone. In fact, nine out of 10 women who develop breast cancer have no family history.

“BreastScreen NSW staff are highly trained and support women through the process. Screening provides great peace of mind.”

South Western Sydney Local Health District clinical director Dr Patsy Soon said it’s important all women regularly check their breasts for any changes.

“Women need to get to know the normal look and feel of their breasts so they can identify an unusual change,” Dr Soon said.

BreastScreen NSW recommends all women aged 50-74 years have a breast screen every two years. It takes just 20 minutes. Call 13 20 50 to book an appointment or book online here.

To find out more about breast cancer signs and symptoms click here.

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