Recent data from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research shows 875 domestic violence related assault incidents were reported from July 2016 to June 2017 in the Campbelltown area.
Campbelltown is ranked 35th in the State, but the actual numbers are among the top five in the state.
Yesterday, Labor’s prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault spokesperson Jenny Aitchison, along with Campbelltown MP Greg Warren and Federal MP Dr Mike Freelander, met with members of Campbelltown Domestic Violence Committee.
Local police, the Women’s Domestic Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS), clubs, health departments at state and federal level and non-government and community organisations are represented on the committee.
The need for significantly more funding to frontline service providers and an increase in prevention and perpetrator behaviour change programs was highlighted during the meeting.
A joint project between WDVCAS and Campbelltown Catholic Club to supply duress alarms to women escaping violence by staying in their home was highlighted as an example of best practice where businesses can support the chronically underfunded sector.
Speaking afterward, Ms Aitchison said it was “crucial that the government was properly funding the services that people needed when they attempted to escape domestic violence.
“It’s time that the NSW Liberal Government provided the support that is needed to help victims of domestic violence.
“This is the most important and most effective form of long term preventative action to stop intergenerational family violence,’’ she said.
Mr Warren said there were too many people in our community suffering the trauma of intergenerational family violence.
“We must do everything we can to help them,’’ he said.
“It’s been incredibly valuable bringing together the shadow minister and many of our front-line services and local people to talk about domestic violence in our community,’’ he said.