Across four days during January 14-17, Campbelltown Mall, owners Charter Hall and social enterprise Two Good Co will join forces for their Better Twogether initiative to support local children living in crisis.
The initiative invites families and visitors across 14 Charter Hall-owned shopping centres – including Campbelltown Mall – to engage in a free interactive scavenger hunt, navigating their way through stores to find hidden characters and uncover missing words for a reward – a Goldie Plushie from Two Good Co’s The Littles range.
Importantly, the proceeds will help fund over 1,000 care packs for Australian children in crisis.
Parents are encouraged to register online via their local shopping centre’s website (see below).
Now in its sixth year, the Charter Hall and Two Good Co partnership continues to provide local communities with a creative way to make a real difference while enjoying some family fun – having so far provided more than 2,400 care packs.
“Our shared dedication to creating meaningful change makes the Charter Hall – Two Good Co partnership truly impactful,’’ says Charter Hall retail CEO, Ben Ellis.
“Together, we stand united in our commitment to making a positive impact and fostering a greater sense of belonging in every Australian community.
“The depth of our collaboration lies in its genuine impact on the communities we serve.”
Two Good Co supports, empower and employs women living in crisis through the creation of high quality meals and luxurious, sustainable products.
From donations of Good Food and Good Things, to their flagship Work Work employment program for women living in crisis, they demonstrate love and respect to survivors of domestic violence in order to help rebuild their self-worth and independence.
For more information about the Better Twogether school holiday initiative, visit the Campbelltown Mall website at https://www.campbelltownmall.com.au/