One of the foundation principles of politics is that a government that listens tends to do well.
But if a government that listens is good, how bad is one that’s completely deaf?
The current State Government, alas, is of the latter variety right now – very, very bad.
And nowhere else is this better demonstrated than its recent decision to demolish two perfectly good sport stadiums and rebuild them at the staggering cost of $2.3 billion.
No, that is not a typo, $2.3 bloody billion of yours and my money, NSW taxpayer.
Since the announcement, there has been a tsunami of criticism, including a hefty amount of sarcasm from some quarters.
The comedians can’t be too far behind – that is how appallingly bad this decision is.
And what is the response from Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her mob?
Silence, that was their response, by and large.
The sport minister did stick his head up for a moment or two to threaten that we would all eventually fall in love with the new stadiums.
Don’t hold your breath, boyo.
More likely we’re going to regret the really important infrastructure that won’t be built because of this monumentally stupid decision that just caters to the big end of town.
And what a gift to the state opposition led by Luke Foley, who is probably still thanking his lucky stars.
So far Foley’s been a reluctant Labor leader, but thanks to the stadiums decision he now looks like being the next premier of NSW.
His “schools and hospitals before stadiums’’ looks and sounds like a winning election campaign, if ever I’ve seen one.
But there’s still time for Berejiklian to realise this is a mistake and reverse the decision.
The election is little more than a year away, which gives the government time to get its act together.
This includes spending the $2.3 billion on the things that matter in Western Sydney – public transport, roads, schools and hospitals.
A frivolous waste of tax payers money! Where was the community consultation on this material spend of public money?