Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun is urging the federal government to rethink plans to build an intermodal on prime riverside land at Moorebank.
Cr Mannoun says that a common sense approach would be to locate the intermodal at Sydney’s newest airport – Badgerys Creek.
Riverside land at Moorebank should instead be used for housing.
“There is no more logical and appropriate site in South West Sydney for a major transport intermodal than the new international airport.,” Cr Mannoun said.
“Only at Badgerys Creek does it have the potential to be a true intermodal for road, rail and air.
“River-front land as a place of industry and freight is nineteenth century thinking. The old industrial suburbs of the inner city have all moved away from industry and freight on the riverside towards residential and recreational land use.
“Cities all over the world are doing the same. And yet in south west Sydney they want to do the opposite?
“Locating the intermodal at Badgerys Creek instead of Moorebank frees up undeveloped, prime riverside land worth $482 million that can house up to 40,000 people in 16,500 dwellings near transport and amenities and go towards meeting housing targets for Sydney’s rapidly growing population.”
Mayor Mannoun said the recent Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) report into the SIMTA proposal for the Moorebank site highlighted the major issues with the current plan – including traffic congestion and impacts on the environment and the community.
“The PAC report has only served to further justify Council and the community’s concerns that the Moorebank intermodal plans were deeply flawed and failed to recognise significant problems with the site,” he said.
“The report also limited the terminal to less than half the capacity intended in the proposal, and with other terminals in Western Sydney able to absorb more freight if required, it really calls into question the viability of any terminals at Moorebank.
“The road and rail upgrades needed to service the Moorebank intermodals are complex, would drastically impact on the local environment and residents and are likely to cost in excess of $750 million, not to mention the impact on traffic.
“In comparison, locating it at Badgerys Creek will mean the site has the capacity to deal with future container freight requirements and will have little or no impact on the environment and residential areas.”
Cr Mannoun said the council wants the intermodal in Liverpool, just not at Moorebank.
“It’s not too late to make the right decision, and start the discussion about Sydney’s newest intermodal at Sydney’s newest airport, Badgerys Creek.”
Council has released a business case for the location of an intermodal at Badgerys Creek, which is available on Council’s website: http://www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/council/the-liverpool-area/moorebank-intermodal