Arts funding: Labor says south west gets short straw every time

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arts funding short straw
Deserve more: NSW Labor leader Luke Foley, Greg Warren and Anoulack Chanthivong at Campbelltown arts centre yesterday with its director, Michael Dagostino (left).

South west  Sydney draws the short straw when it comes to arts and cultural funding, says NSW opposition leader Luke Foley.

Speaking after visiting local arts hubs in Fairfield and Campbelltown, Mr Foley called for better planning and fairer funding to support growth in the arts across South West Sydney.

The opposition leader, who is also the shadow minister for Western Sydney, yesterday toured the Campbelltown Arts Centre and Powerhouse Youth Theatre at Fairfield with local MPs Greg Warren, Anoulack Chanthivong and Guy Zangari.

Despite housing 30 per cent of the NSW population, Western Sydney only receives 5.5 per cent of the NSW government arts funding, says Foley.

Western Sydney has only 15 members of the 57 positions on the state’s major boards which include the Art Gallery of NSW, the Australian Museum Trust, the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney Opera House Trust and the State Library of NSW.

“Western Sydney is a vibrant region full of diversity and talented performers,’’ Mr Foley said after his tour with the local MPs.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“We need to ensure the region receives a fair share of funding to support local talent.[/social_quote]

“The Campbelltown Arts Centre is a fantastic venue that showcases the very best of arts and culture in Western Sydney.

“The wonderful work produced here could proudly stand beside any theatre or gallery in the state.”

The local MPs backed Mr Foley’s call for a bigger slice of the arts pie for the region.

“There’s a growing arts community in South West Sydney that needs real support to achieve its potential,’’ said the Member for Campbelltown, Greg Warren.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The Baird Government needs to roll up its sleeves and come up with a plan to provide real funding and real support to the arts in our region.”[/social_quote]

The State Member for Macquarie Fields Anoulack Chanthivong said: “South West Sydney needs a thriving arts culture to help strengthen the existing sense of community.

“It’s all well and good to announce new houses, but we need the investment in social infrastructure and the arts to build cohesive and tightknit communities.”

short straw
Greg Warren also presented Michael Dagostino, Director of Campbelltown Arts Centre, with a certificate of appreciation for the arts hub’s support of the annual Fisher’s Ghost art award.






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