Leppington, Menangle: Alarm bells ringing over spike in footrot cases

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Footrot on the rise
Footrot on the rise: Dr Aziz Chowdhury (left) with Greater Sydney Senior Biosecurity officer Lee Parker.

A spike in footrot cases in Western Sydney has prompted a warning to hobby farmers to be cautious when buying or selling sheep and goats.

Greater Sydney Local Land Services district veterinarian Dr Aziz Chowdhury says the disease had been discovered at properties in a number of areas, including Leppington and Menangle.

“Among the affected flocks, at least two had no traceable history because they had been purchased online,” Dr Chowdhury said.

“While it might be more convenient than going to a sale yard, many of these websites do not advise farmers of the risks involved or their legal responsibilities.

“As a result, notifiable diseases such as footrot can spread rapidly without detection.

“Footrot is highly contagious has the ability to cause serious complications for animals, owners and surrounding properties.”

Dr Chowdhury said the spike in cases in Greater Sydney was also due to farmers purchasing sheep and goats from neighbouring regions impacted by prolonged wet weather conditions.

“All sellers and buyers of stock have a legal obligation to know the responsibilities of owning stock,’’ Dr Chowdhury said.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Likewise any landholder, land manager, agent or veterinarian who suspects footrot is present in a mob is legally obliged to notify a district veterinarian within 48 hours.”[/social_quote]

Dr Chowdhury said Greater Sydney biosecurity staff had worked quickly to limit the spread of the disease and trace the source.

“Properties diagnosed with footrot are placed under quarantine and a plan put in place to eradicate the infection.

“This can include destocking or foot bathing, paring and inspecting sheep until the disease eradicated,” he said.

Symptoms of footrot include lameness in sheep or goats, inflammation between the digits and underrunning of the sole and heel of the foot.

If you witness lame sheep or any other signs of footrot, call Greater Sydney Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 or the Emergency Animal Disease hotline on 1800 675 888.

For further information refer to the NSW DPI online footrot fact sheet.

A close up of an affected foot.
Report it: A close up of an affected foot.








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