I’m bold, genuine, lively – I’m the new Liverpool

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Up in lights: motorists can see Liverpool’s new branding in buildings such as this in Speed Street.

We’re bold, genuine and lively – that’s what the new branding of Liverpool aims to tell the rest of the world.

The new branding was officially launched on Saturday night at Casula Powerhouse.

Two nights earlier a Vivid like video projection of the new branding was switched on at two Liverpool locations.

One is in Scott Street (next door to Crunch gym) and the other on the building on the corner of Speed Street and Terminus Street.

This project is a collaboration between Liverpool City Council – Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, CuriousWorks, local young people, filmmakers and internationally renowned multimedia artist Khaled Sabsabi.

“The project was developed to promote the city’s new brand through an artistic visual media experience that captures the richness of our city,” Sabsabi said.

“It uses video footage of local history, people and places.

“The video celebrates Liverpool life in all its magnificent diversity.”

The projections are best seen at night and the Speed Street projections will provide a stunning entry into the City Centre.

This one is in Scott Street.
This one is in Scott Street.

“The projections showcase life in Liverpool in a stunning way, as well as activating the southern end of the city along with its restaurants and cafes,” Mayor Mannoun said.

“The buildings will glow with light, enhancing the experience of being in the city centre for the Night Markets and for people coming over the bridge at night.”

The brand launch also coincides with the opening of council’s new customer service centre at the end of October.

“Our region is rapidly becoming one of the most important in the State,” Mayor Mannoun said.

“We are home to Sydney’s second international airport, as well as a vibrant and diverse community with unlimited potential.”

Council says it worked closely with a range of key stakeholders and local organisations which are building the city’s reputation as a major growth area to develop the new branding.

This included Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, Ingham Institute, Liverpool Hospital and TAFE South West Sydney Institute.

The brand was created by Principals branding agency and is designed to be used in partnership with the logos or organisations that operate in the south west region.

It will enable organisations to identify with the location and brand attributes which are bold, genuine and lively.

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