Save our forest: Harrington Park residents fight rezoning push

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Harrington Park residents have launched a campaign against plans to rezone green space for housing near the Camden Valley Way entrance to the prestige estate.

They have started a social media campaign encouraging residents to join the fight against the proposal, which would turn what is now a forested space known as Towra Court into housing lots.

Developers have lodged a planning proposal seeking an amendment to the Camden Local Environmental Plan of 2010 to rezone 5 Towra Court and the adjacent Davy Court (as pictured above), from R5 (large lot residential) to R2 (low density residential).

Currently the zoning only permits lots of 6,000 square metres, or about one and a half acres.

The developers behind this proposal would like to build housing on lots ranging from 600 square metres to 1000 sqm and 3000 sqm.

If approved, the trees that were planted on the Tower Court site, to the east of Sir Warwick Fairfax Drive as you enter Harrington Park from Camden Valley Way, would have to go to make way for housing.

The developer says the subject site occupies a “gateway” position in respect of the Harrington Park Estate and “has never optimised its setting and inherent urban potential’’.

“The existing “tree lot” (No 5 Towra Court) qualities do not represent an “end state” long term land use for such a setting and over time are commencing to represent a bushfire hazard,’’ they say in their submission arguing for rezoning.

“In realising its inherent urban potential, it provides an opportunity to provide a premium housing precinct contributing important supply at a modest scale to combating the emerging deficiency in traditional housing products/living environments,’’ says the submission from the proponent.

The planning proposal is on public exhibition and the public have until October 18 to make a submission one way or the other.

The organisers of Keep Harrington Park Green, a social media page set up to fight the plans, are urging local residents to visit the online Camden Council site and register their opposition.

To make a submission to the planning proposal, click here.

To join the residents’ Facebook page, click here.

5 thoughts on “Save our forest: Harrington Park residents fight rezoning push”

  1. How about you think about nature like you tell us you do!
    Koalas, kangaroos, foxes, deers, possums, birds, rabbits and many more use our bushland for their habitat and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Stop being greedy and start thinking about our wildlife’s future!

  2. Thank you Camden Council for making Camden Valley Way more congested.
    When will councils and politicians realize that Camden, Oran Park, Harrington Park, Narellan, Narellan Vale, Gledswood Hills and all the other 20 plus housing developments have no railway station.
    No more development without the proper infrastructure in place and certainly leave our park lands and forests alone.
    It is called Harrington Park for a reason, so wake up Camden Council, you are there for the residents not for developers.

  3. People search far and wide doing their research to find their ideal place to live and build a forever home, buying into an area because of the area’s zoning on restricted development and amazing natural bushland, green space, wildlife corridors etc. Then along comes the money to re-zone. It is always about the money.

  4. This will cause extra traffic congestion, traffic noise because of increased cars. We will lose the green areas and forest. Wild life will lose their home . Wild life will lose their home and habitat. Will give rise to more concrete and roof tiles. Increase in temperature . Loss of greenery. More pollution. Will lose green house. It will become like another concrete jungle.


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