Women in South Western Sydney now have access to a specialised endometriosis and pelvic pain clinic.
The Women’s Health Centre Southern Highlands at Mittagong is one of 20 endometriosis and pelvic pain clinics being established across Australia.
The health centre’s Dr Hanady Nasreddine said staff were humbled and honoured the centre had been selected as one of 20 centres nationally to receive federal funding.
“It is also a significant responsibility as the set-up of such a clinic in primary care has not been done previously; we are dedicated to seeing it succeed,” said Dr Nasreddine, pictured above, second from right, with her team at Mittagong.
The clinics provide multi-disciplinary care with a focus on:
- Improving the timeliness of diagnosis
- Promoting early access to intervention, care, treatment options, and referral services for endometriosis and pelvic pain
The clinics operate within existing general practices and strengthen what is often the first point of contact in the health system, to reduce diagnostic delays and promote early access to multi-disciplinary intervention, care and treatment.
The practice will receive funding distributed by the South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (SWSPHN) over the next four years, to support hiring specialised staff, including nurse practitioners and allied health professionals, investment in equipment or fitouts such as pelvic physiotherapy areas, as well as resources, training and development.
The clinics will also raise awareness of endometriosis and pelvic pain, build professional knowledge and skills in this area, and improve access to information and care pathways.
Dr Nasreddine said the clinic was definitely a first step to improving primary care.
“Providing a regional hub of expertise in women’s health, we hope to continue focusing on excellence in patient care and service provision, and to continue to enhance and expand our services over time,” she said.
Patients can make an appointment for the clinic by calling 4880 1686.