More than 1,000 new trees will be planted in Camden as part of a plan for one million across the metropolitan area by the end of next year.
On top of that, demand is going through the roof for free trees being offered to households as part of the “greening our city’’ program.
Camden Council will receive $445,000 to plant 150 trees at Kirkham Park and its works depot and another 853 trees across the local government area.
State Member for Camden Peter Sidgreaves welcomed the funding.
“Quality green and open public spaces are important to everyone,” he said.
“This is an excellent initiative to boost the number of trees across Camden to make it an even more comfortable and vibrant place for the community to enjoy.”

Minister for planning and public spaces Rob Stokes said 20,000 trees will be planted across 23 council areas in Greater Sydney as part of the program.
“Greening our City is a wonderful program to increase our tree canopy.’’
The program was launched in 2018 and has since delivered more than $15 million to local councils for planting 66,000 trees.
“We’re already more than halfway to meeting the premier’s priority to plant one million trees by 2022 and every tree planted from each of these programs gets us one step closer,” the minister said.
To increase community involvement and tree planting on private land, the NSW Government has also partnered with Bunnings Warehouse to give away 25,600 free trees to Greater Sydney households between June and October.
“Our tree giveaway with Bunnings is open to all 33 local government areas throughout Greater Sydney between June and October, allowing 10,500 eligible households to get their hands on more shade, privacy and fruit trees for their home,” Mr Sidgreaves said.
Applications can be made online and the local Bunnings store will be in contact when your trees are ready to be collected and planted.
For more information on the tree giveaway visit: www.dpie.nsw.gov.au/free-tree