A comprehensive new campaign against drug and alcohol addiction in south west Sydney promises to cover all the bases.
The plan, devised by the South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (SWSPHN), will be implemented as a key part of the Federal Government’s National Ice Action Strategy.
Four organisations which already work in this area, ACON, Odyssey House, St Vincent de Paul and the Salvation Army, will play vital roles in the new attack on the scourge of drug and alcohol addiction.
They will be funded to provide rehabilitation, withdrawal management, after care and psychosocial counselling and support services.
As part of the strategy there will be specific focus on the LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex) community, young people aged 12 to 25, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and people with dual drug and alcohol addiction and mental health concerns.
ACON, Odyssey House, St Vincent de Paul and the Salvation Army will also work with SWSPHN to build the capacity of local GPs in the ongoing management of patients with drug and alcohol issues and to improve referral pathways between primary health and rehabilitation and treatment services.
This is another key plank of the campaign.
Speaking at the launch of the new strategy in Campbelltown last Friday, the ceo of SWSPHN, Mr Rene Pennock, said the commissioning of the services was the culmination of more than 12 months of consultation with GPs, consumers, stakeholders and peak bodies within the sector to assess local needs and service gaps.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“What we found was there was an obvious gap in services for young people seeking help for addiction to alcohol or other drugs and there were far too many young people being bumped from one service to another,” Mr Pennock said.[/social_quote]
“We also found GPs were crying out for more information and better linkages to appropriate services for their patients and their patient’s families, and conversely that the services didn’t understand how GPs can play such a vital role in supporting patients through their recovery journey.
“This is why we are excited to see Odyssey House introduce an innovative new model of GP shared care where people are supported to continue their withdrawal management with their own GP.
“We are also excited to see ACON extend its support for clients from the LGBTI community through its digital resource and provide training to local GPs and the NGO sector who work with ACON’s clients through their recovery.
“It is important to recognise we have excellent services we can draw upon with expertise in this field who know how best to reach their clients to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved.
“And linking these experts with primary health is the key to long term success in tackling drug and alcohol addiction.”
♦ Key features of the services include:
• Odyssey House will provide psychological counselling, care coordination, after care, and case management services for adult clients with co-occurring drug and alcohol and mental health issues.
Services will be available at multiple sites across South West Sydney, including outreach services at Tahmoor, Bowral and Bankstown.
Odyssey House will also provide withdrawal management through the new GP shared care model embedded within general practice.
• St Vincent de Paul will use the funding to enhance its six-week non-residential rehabilitation day program currently delivered in Campbelltown with additional before and after care, psychosocial counselling, case management, psychosocial education groups and support groups for adults with alcohol or drug dependency or misuse.
Outreach services will also be available in Liverpool, Fairfield and Warwick Farm.
St Vincent de Paul will also work with the local Aboriginal Medical Service, Tharawal, to deliver culturally appropriate support/treatment services.
• ACON will use its deep understanding of alcohol and other drugs and broader health issues affecting LGBTI to offer support for individuals, their partners, family and friends through digital resources and skype counselling.
ACON will also provide training to local GPs and other AOD service providers on recovery specifically for LGBTI clients and will introduce its shared care model to residents in South West Sydney.
• Headfyrst (Salvation Army) is an innovative, integrated AOD mental health co-morbidity service providing treatment, counselling and support services for young people aged 12 to 25 years.
Headfyrst is a collaboration of the Salvation Army’s youth services, Youthlink, and headspace.
The service, new to South West Sydney, aims to be accessible and responsive to the individual needs of young people with these dual needs and will set up outreach services in Liverpool, Campbelltown and Bankstown.
Headfyrst will also work towards improving linkages between providers, including GPs, in care pathways for young people.